Albanian: preshi
Spanish: puerro
Sepedi: diliki
Welsh: cenhinen
Uyghur: کراث
Romanian: praz
Bahasa Indonesia: bawang bakung
Cornish: kenynen
Greek: πράσο
What was first, French quiche of German savoury Kuchen? Don't feel mistaken, Kuchen means usually sweet cake, but sometimes is used to describe savoury pies. In Germany people usually eat Zwiebelkuchen, onion pie, but I personally consider leek pie, Lauchkuchen, much tastier.
125 gr butter (1/2 pack)
250 gr (1 1/2 cup) flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons water
2 cups chopped leeks
1/2 onion
1 scallion
1 cup sour cream
3 eggs
2 handfuls grated cheese
optionally: 1 handful ham / sausage cubes
(+ butter, breadcrums)
1. Prepare the dough: knead butter with flour, salt and water until your dough is elastic. Set in the fridge until you are done with the rest of the preparations.
2. Fry chopped leks in butter or oil, low the heat. Add chopped onion and scallion and simmer until they all are soft.
3. Beat egg yolks with sour cream and (optionally) ham chunks. Whip egg whites until they are stiff and stir lightly in the yolk-sour cream mass. Spread butter into your pyrex dish, sprinkle with few breadcrumbs and cover with the dough (roll it possibly thin). Put vegetable chunks on the dough layer and pour egg-cream over it. As the last step, pour grated cheese over it and bake (30-40 minutes, 180C)
I am so happy I found your blog. I was looking for recipes to cook my polish pottery in and stumbled upon your site. I can't wait to try the leek pie. I might try some spinach with it also. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!
Hello Cherie :) Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I already abandoned the blog but from now I am gonna continue it. Polish cuisine is really great and variable, I will post more Polish and differrent recipes, also cakes and sweets. Leek pie is great, I made a similar one also with collard greens, and surely it has to be delicious with spinach. Let me know about the result!
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